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Welcome to the Eloquent Blog

by | May 28, 2024 | 0 comments

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that getting a website created or updated can be a mission, and this website is no different. It’s amazing how easy it is to procrastinate when just DOING THE THING is what actually needs to happen. Even when you’re a writer. Possibly because you’re a writer. But, eventually, I got help to do the thing, and here we are, with a shiny new website and a blog. My huge thanks go to Keith Shackleton for his patience and web wizardry.

It’s nice to kick off the first blog of this updated website with an announcement.

I’m delighted to confirm that I’m the inaugural winner of the Rush Cottage Writers’ Residency, an exciting new residency created by the Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Trust, and Black Barn Retreats. The residency includes nine free nights accommodation at Black Barn’s beautiful Rush Cottage, and a stipend of NZD$1,000. Here’s the story on the Hawke’s Bay Readers and Writer’s Facebook page. That’s me in the middle of the photo above, with Catherine Robertson (left), and Louise Ward (right), from the Hawke’s Bay Readers & Writers Trust.

This is my first writing residency, and it’s nice to go home to Hawke’s Bay to crack on with writing a book that is very dear to me, and my family.

I’ve always been a writer. Ever since I was a child I loved scribbling down my thoughts, ideas, and stories. I think my first actual crafted piece of writing to be published was a story my fourth form (Y10) English teacher got me to type out. She quietly placed it in the school yearbook, and when I eventually opened it at the end of the year it was such a surprise to see my words in print.

Since then I’ve worked on quite a few projects, but the one that has kept hold of my heartstrings is my mother’s story. Whenever I talk about my parents’ meeting and subsequent marriage, people are fascinated by the Korean War side of things, but Mum had already lived a life of massive upheaval before then. It’s a story begging to be told in a way that represents her humour and resilience.

Come along on my adventures. I’ll try to blog regularly with updates on what I’m up to, and things of interest in the worlds of writing and communications. If I get enough interest I’ll start a regular newsletter, but for now, let’s go with the blog.

Let me know if there’s something you’ve found interesting, or there’s a project you’re interested in. For me, writing is as natural as breathing, and I know that makes me extremely lucky because it’s not a natural gift for everyone.

If you want to write, just start. It’s the only way to get better.


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