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Working with words is my happy place. If you need a writer or editor, have a project or a book that needs writing expertise, get in touch. I’d love to collaborate with you.


Writing is an art, a science, and a bit of magic all mixed in together. When you need the words to explain something quickly, that’s easy to read and gets your message across, working with a copywriter can ease the pain, and remove the roadblocks.

Website copy


Blog Posts

Ghost writing

​Are you trying to write something, but it’s taking forever and now you’d rather pull your teeth out? That’s where having a ghost writer can help.

Whether it’s a book, or a regular email newsletter, I can make your key communications clearer, while still sounding like you.



White papers

Social media posts



Check out my author page

Communications and PR

Effective communications require planning, the right words, and the most efficient way to deliver your message. Plan ahead before a crisis hits. I can work with you on a range of communications and PR services.

Media Releases

White papers

Communications strategies

Creative projects

Have you aways wanted to write or create something, but it’s languished in the bottom drawer, gathering dust? Without creation, we are nothing. Work with me on your creative projects so they get to see the light of day.

Bespoke book projects


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